Americans want to build wealth, but few people really know how. We show our clients low-risk ways to invest in rental property, so they can enjoy financial security.


When Mark and Sharon got married, they bought a home together and decided to rent out the condo and the house they had each owned before. A family friend referred them to me, and I helped them understand the potential, the risks, and the requirements of investing in rental property.

The potential is huge. Hundreds of clients have become millionaires, and scores have become multimillionaires using the processes described in Building Legacy Wealth.

You may not be in the same place as Mark and Sharon when they came to me for the first time. Building Legacy Wealth will show you the proven tools and techniques we’ve used with our clients to help achieve those results.

You can see what’s in the book by viewing the Table of Contents. You’ll get the most from the book, though, if you read the chapters in slightly different order, depending on your current situation. These categories blend into each other, so if you’re in doubt about where to start pick a starting point and go.

If you’ve never cashed a rent check, you’re a Novice. Click here to find out what you need to do and how Building Legacy Wealth can help.

You’re an Apprentice if you’ve started on the road to building legacy wealth through low-risk apartment investing. You’ve cashed rent checks. Maybe you’ve even bought or sold a property. Click here to find out what you should do and how Building Legacy Wealth can help.

You’re a Journeyman if you’ve bought and sold properties several times. You know the basics, but you’re still learning some of the tricks of the trade, like explaining advantages in the tax code. Click here to find out what you should do and how Building Legacy Wealth can help.

You’re a Master if you have multiple projects and you’ve gotten to the level where you’re solving problems that baffle other people. Click here to find out how Building Legacy Wealth can help you do even better.


Here’s a chart that illustrates the four starting points. Figure out where you are and how Building Legacy Wealth can show you low-risk ways to invest in rental property, so you can enjoy financial security.

Property to StartNoneLimitedApartment buildingsMultiple projects
GoalsAnswer the questions “Is this for me?” and “Am I ready?”Develop an effective property investment strategyMaster the craft of apartment investingAdvance from success to significance

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Purchase Building Legacy Wealth and master low-risk ways to invest in rental property.

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